Canada's NDT society offering training, certification testing, and professional membership to NDT Personnel
CINDE Membership Code of Ethics
This Code of Ethics shall apply to all members of the Canadian Institute for Non-destructive Evaluation. It is their duty to conduct themselves in accordance with the following precepts:
- To maintain high standards of skills, practice and integrity that will protect the lives
and health of their associates and of the general public.
- To uphold at all times the reputation of CINDE and the good name of its members.
- To perform all activities in a spirit of fairness to employers, employees, customers and
- To maintain a standard in agreement with high ideals of personal integrity and honour.
- To refrain from misrepresentation of any aspects of the aims and objectives of CINDE.
- To refrain from accepting compensation in any form except from their principal clients or
employers. If income is derived from any other source, then disclosure must be made to all
interested parties.
- To disclose to their employers or clients any connection or business affiliation which might
involve a conflict of interest.
- To avoid any unprofessional tactics in soliciting contracts and to decline any connection with
improper patronage.
- To advance the aims and objectives of CINDE through the exchange of information and experience
with others, where possible.
- To provide the opportunity for advancement and increasing the skills of their employees and of those
under their supervision.