Mar/Apr 2010 Feature Articles:
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- (pg 6) Propagating Ultrasonic Guided Waves Through Concrete Reinforcements with Simulated and Actual Corrosion - by Shruti Sharma and Abhijit Mukherjee
- (pg 13) New and Innovative Nondestructive Testing Techniques for Inspection and Monitoring of Metal Smelting Furnaces - by Afshin Sadri, Pawel Gebski, Koorosh Mirkhani and Gordon McGarrie
- (pg 18) Welding Processes, Welding Faults, Defects and Discontinuities for Nondestructive Testing Technicians - by Peter Hayward
- (pg 22) The ABC's of NDT: What's the difference between a narrow band and a broad band ultrasonic transducer? - by Peter Kaszuba
- (pg 24) Congratulations to John deLuca for 25 Years of Dedicated Service with the Canadian Institute for NDE
- (pg 32) What do Top Recruiters Look for in a Candidate? - by Alan Kearns
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