July/Aug 2010 Feature Articles:
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- (pg 4) The 3rd International CANDU In-Service Inspection and NDT in Canada 2010 Conference
- (pg 8) Reducing the Negative Effects of Grating Through A-Scan Post Processing When Compensating for Poor Element Directivity - by Shaddy Shokralla
- (pg 12) Corrosion Monitoring Research Study of New York City Suspension Bridges - by Richard Gostautas, Mark Carlos, Raimondo Betti, Dyab Khazem
- (pg 16) Welding Processes, Welding Faults, Defects and Discontinuities for Non Destructive Testing Technicians - by Peter Hayward
- (pg 22) Company Profile: NDT Products Ltd.
- (pg 24) The ABC's of NDT: Ultrasonic Transducer Selection Considerations - by Peter Kaszuba
- (pg 31) Mohawk College QA-NDE Program Graduates First Cohort of Students - by Larry Cote
- (pg 32) 67% of managers would choose the candidate with... (and the #1 way to advance your career) - by Alan Kearns
- (pg 41) The ICNDT Journal, Volume 8 Issue No 4
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