Canada's NDT society offering training, certification testing, and professional membership to NDT Personnel
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NDT In Canada Conference

XRF Level 1 OR Levels 1 &2 Training Course (during conference *date to be announced*

This XRF training course is designed to introduce the student to XRF problem solving and investigation. The course aids you in knowing how to detect and determine the amount of elements within a substance. The course will cover the fundamentals of XRF, safety and hands-on practice. Basic principles and applications of XRF will be introduced through a lecture and practical workshop (lab). This course will cover NRCan's NDTC XRF Operator Program for theory and practical sections based on Health Canada Safety Code 32 and ISO 20807. It is a great starting point for any individual or company that is looking at integrating XRF technology into their business.

The training provided in this course is required to achieve XRF Operator Certification with the NDT Certifying Agency. Health Canada requires any individual that wants to operate or possess an open-beam x-ray emitting device within Canada to be certified with Natural Resources Canada-NDT Certifying Agency.
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